Meniscal Tear Surgery Bayonne and Bloomfield
Meniscal Tears
The meniscus is a shock-absorbing structure in the knee, one on the inside (medial), and one on the outside (lateral).
A meniscal tear is a tear in the meniscus. Most injuries to the meniscus are caused by trauma, usually compression and twisting of the knee. Movements that can cause trauma to the knee include pivoting, cutting, and decelerating. Because aging tends to break down the inner tissues of the meniscus, minor trauma (such as squatting) can injure the meniscus in an older person.
Treatment for a meniscus tear varies depending on the type of tear, the severity of the tear and location. A persons age and how active they are may also affect treatment choices.
Treatment may include:
Rest, ice, wrapping the knee with an elastic bandage, and elevating the leg.
Physical therapy.
Surgery to repair the meniscus.
Surgery to remove part of the meniscus.
Dr. Augustin performs this procedure arthroscopically. Three small incisions are made to allow special instruments, including a fiber-optic camera, to be placed into your knee. The meniscal tear is repaired and in most cases steri-strips are placed over the incisions. Most patients benefit from arthroscopic knee surgery within 4 to 6 weeks. Shorter recovery time allows patients to return to their normal active life styles.
Call  201.437.9700 for our Bayonne location or call  973.680.4200 for our Bloomfield location to schedule a consultation and learn more.